Pria keturunan cina nekat menampar anggota TNI di parkiran Supermarket Berastagi, Senin (6/6/2016) malam. Akibatnya, pria Keturunan Cina itu diamankan ke Polsek Medan Baru.
Selasa (7/6/2016), anggota Danramil 01/MB dan seorang Pabandya Kosmos Sterdam I/BB Letkol Hutagalung mengamankan pria turunan Cina yang belum diketahui identitasnya karena menampar Letkol Hutagalung di Parkiran Supermarket Brastagi.
Kejadian ini bermula saat Letkol Hutagalung hendak memarkirkan mobilnya di lokasi parkir Supermarket Berastagi. Saat hendak memasukkan mobilnya, tiba-tiba mobil pria keturunan Cina menyerobot masuk ke lokasi parkir Letkol Hutagalung.
Foto Ilustrasi
Letkol Hutagalung kemudian menegur pria Cina dengan mengaku sebagai anggota TNI serta memberitahu jika lokasi parkir tersebut miliknya.
BACA JUGA: ASTAGFIRULLAH..!! Hina Nabi Muhammad, Netizen Menuntut Agar Aparat Bertindak Tegas
"Saat dibilang dirinya tentara, pria Cina itu menantang dengan menyebut kenapa rupanya tentara. Setelah itu pria Cina memukul korban," terang salah seorang sumber.
Dijelaskan sumber, meski memukul Letkol Hutagalung, pria Cina itu tidak merasa bersalah dan semakin menunjukkan 'taringnya' dengan memanggil 3 orang anggota brimob ke lokasi.
"Gak lama Brimobnya datang, Danramil serta Babinsa turun ke lokasi. Selanjutnya pria Cina itu dibawa ke Polsek Medan Baru," jelas Sumber.
Kapolsek Medan Baru Kompol Ronni Bonic dikonfirmasi sampai saat ini belum memberikan jawaban.
Dari Salah Satu keterangan Gus Bironk Pengguna Media Sosial menyebutkan bahwa :
" Slmt mlm ijin menyampaikan pada hari Senin tgl 6 Juni 2016 lebih kurang pukul 19 45 Wib telah terjadi pemukulan terhadap korban An. Letkol Hutagalung Pabandya Komsos Sterdam I/BB di halaman parkir Swalayan Berastagi yg dilakukan oleh pengunjung Swalayan Berastagi warga Etnis Tionghua. Permasalahan terjadi karena tempat parkir Letkol Hutagalung diserobot oleh WNI / Pengunjung Swalayan Berastagi tersebut padahal korban sdh menyampaikan itu adalah tempat parkirnya dan sempat juga disampaikan bahwa Saya Tentara. Namun pelaku berkata jadi kalau tentara kenapa rupanya ? sambil menyerang dan memukul korban. Danramil 01/MB mendapat info langsung menghubungi Piket dan Babinsa Koramil 01/MB selanjutnya piket beserta Danramil serta satu orang Provost Kodim 0201/BS langsung turun ke TKP. Sesampainya di TKP sdh datang tiga orang diduga anggota Brimob teman pelaku, Selanjutnya Danramil menghubungi Polsek Medan Baru utk menindak lanjuti permasalahan tersebut selanjutnya pelaku beserta korban di arahkan ke Polsek Medan Baru untuk mengklarifikasi permasalahan tersebut dan saat ini permasalahan sudah ditangani Polsek Medan Baru" . Laporan Selesai Tukasnya...
Sumber : dinamika rakyat
BACA JUGA: WASPADA..!!! Kenali Bahaya Tidur Setelah Sahur
< = = = = = = = = = = = = = = >
[The English Version]
Men Chinese descent slap reckless military at Berastagi Supermarket parking lot , Monday ( 06/06/2016 ) night . As a result , China's male descendants were secured to the Police Medan Baru.
Tuesday ( 07/06/2016 ), member Danramil 01 / MB and a Pabandya Kosmos Sterdam I / BB Lt. Hutagalung securing derivative Chinese men who have not been identified as Lt. Col. Hutagalung slap in the parking Supermarket Brastagi .
The incident began when Lt. Hutagalung want parked in Berastagi Supermarket parking locations . When he was about to enter his car , suddenly the car of Chinese descent man barged into the parking location Letkol Hutagalung .
Lt. Col. Hutagalung then rebuked the Chinese men claiming to be members of the military as well as alerting you to the parking location hers .
" When you say he was a soldier, the Chinese man was challenged by mentioning why apparently soldiers. After the Chinese men hit the victim , " said one source .
Explained the source, despite hitting Lt. Col. Hutagalung, the Chinese man was not guilty and are increasingly showing 'fangs' by calling 3 members of Brimob to the location. "Not long his police (Brimob) come, Danramil and Babinsa down to the location. Furthermore, the Chinese man was taken to the Police Medan Baru," said source.
New Medan police chief, Commissioner Ronni Bonic confirmed to date have not provided answers. One description of Gus Bironk Social Media Users mentions that:
"good afternoon permission delivered on Monday the date June 6, 2016 approximately at 19 45 hrs, there has been a beating of the victim An. Lt. Hutagalung Pabandya Komsos Sterdam I / BB in the parking Self Berastagi reply made by visitors Supermarkets Berastagi residents Ethnic Tionghua. Problems occur because the parking lot Lt. Hutagalung appropriated by citizen / visitor Supermarkets Berastagi that when victims sDH convey it is the parking lot and had also conveyed that I army. But the actors say so when the army is why it seems? while attacking and beating the victim. Danramil 01 / MB to get information direct contact Piket and Babinsa Koramil 01 / MB subsequent pickets along Danramil and one person Provost Kodim 0201 / BS directly down to the scene. Arriving at the scene sDH came three suspected members of Police (Brimob) friend offender, then Danramil contact the police Medan Baru for follow up on these issues subsequent offenders and their victims are directed to the police Medan Baru to clarify these issues and now the problem has been handled police Medan Baru ". Completed reports he said ...
Sumber: babiat
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